Paintings from the assesment, and Ceramic close up shots

Yes, the paintings. I love them to bits, i just wish i'd had more time... well, I wish i'd spent more time is more accurate. ANYWAY. here we go....
The first and personal favourite, the good old Mountain Bed. Originaly a painting of my bed, it evolved into a kind of, dream landscape. It looks safe, but staying in bed all day really screws you up. So im kind of trapped in this painting, behind those darn so good it has to be cancer duvee covers.
Cool huh? :D :D :D

Here we have the self portrait. Its painted from a photo of me looking really tired and depressed sitting in the union bar, i just thought it looked amazing and wanted to paint it. The skull mustache was added to give the image more resonance. And yes, big words are very cool. Im really dissapointed that i couldn't spend more time painting it, but you get the gist. The bar of light was an impulse I went with, i feel it helps the composition. Painting people is a lot harder than mountains and tower blocks, so expect to see more of this stuff. Im not giving up that easily mr trampoline.

I also submitted this painting, im thinking of calling it "Absense of Life" or "Hardware Deficency" or something. Its an other worldly painting based on my college union building. cool huh?

This is the finished (I WANT TO DO MORE DAMNIT) thunderbirds painting. I still dont think the central tower is right. But you get the gist. Its influenced from blade runner, and its covered in icons, like the school bus, and a black 2001 space ship in the distance. and thats that! those are all the paintings i submitted... well actually there were a couple of studies i made, but i'll save them for another time. ENJOY!!!