Last update before X-MAS :D
I expect there will also be a final assesment kind of, gallery post as well, when all my junk finally hits the walls of the art room, and the floors, and possibly the ceilings if I have my way with things. Right, here we go...
Here is the current state of my futuristic city painting, admitedly a pretty shite pic, but what can you do. The kind of train-thing really improves the image, but its nothing like i want it to look yet. This damn painting will take me the rest of my natural life at the current rate of progress, so stay tuned!

Here is my Upscaled Bad Ass One of a Kind Tower of Doom :D Just look at it, isnt she pretty ;) I guess it needs like, sanding down a bit, and my lecturer is gonna love firing this thing, its only just about gonna fit in the kiln :D The question is, what to put on the top? Mcdonalds sign perhaps? Maybe a doller sign.... Ahhh the joy.

This is a sculpture based on my brother. We always played games with toys, and to this day, I believe he see's himself as a general. The guy has a goddamn army for christ sakes. And he always, always, wheres his army coat. Seriously, he wont take it off when we go to the beach, the hottest weather, the poshest resturant, you name it. And of course, when we played all these "little people games" with toys, Ted would always have to be the leader, the goodest good guy, Optimus Prime, Batman, Im not sure about aliens... probably Hicks, and I think Gambit from the X-Men was always his favourite X-Man, where as I was a Wolverine/Cyclops fan (Cyclops is far to much of a fag in the films man, in the cartoon he kicked ass, the guy was blowing away sentinels like a shotgun to zombies). Anyway, i've made a couple more of these, but they we're more hurried, I'd like to spend ages on a large one to try and get the form perfect. The shape of this particular one is pretty much spot on i believe. Now theres a rant and a half....
The CacoDemon :D You might think him a crude replica of the classic monster, looking at him now, he isn't nearly evil enough, far to happy, like he's just eaten a nursery full of bastard children, and has just spied an old lady struggling under the weight of her christmas shopping. Not nearly evil enough. But my GOD he's sexy as hell, and what a pleasure to build it was.

This is just an assortmant of machet monsters, prototypes, cool little things I wanted to see in the flesh. They remind me of the kind of thing you see in secondary schools everywhere. Always a laugh making a monster ;)
Heres the McDonalds tower i made at the start of term, quite an unintentionally glorifying image, that will deffinetly end up in my scetch book in a vain attempt, to fill the bloody thing. The Mcdonalds M, aka, the Golden Arches of Evil, is a bit wonky, but you get the gist of it.
Heres a self portrait im working on :D Its changed a lot now, you'l have to wait and see it ;D The story behind it is, a mate took a photo of me at the pub, and i was feeling sooo shit, and it showed sooo obviously, it was just such an awesome shot, i had to turn it into a painting. What do you mean it looks nothing like me? Shuuuuut uppa your face!
Stolen from Radiohead lyrics, and influenced by a couple of text paintings, SIT DOWN slaps you back into your place. I've gotta play with words more, they're some funky things.

Here is my Upscaled Bad Ass One of a Kind Tower of Doom :D Just look at it, isnt she pretty ;) I guess it needs like, sanding down a bit, and my lecturer is gonna love firing this thing, its only just about gonna fit in the kiln :D The question is, what to put on the top? Mcdonalds sign perhaps? Maybe a doller sign.... Ahhh the joy.

This is a sculpture based on my brother. We always played games with toys, and to this day, I believe he see's himself as a general. The guy has a goddamn army for christ sakes. And he always, always, wheres his army coat. Seriously, he wont take it off when we go to the beach, the hottest weather, the poshest resturant, you name it. And of course, when we played all these "little people games" with toys, Ted would always have to be the leader, the goodest good guy, Optimus Prime, Batman, Im not sure about aliens... probably Hicks, and I think Gambit from the X-Men was always his favourite X-Man, where as I was a Wolverine/Cyclops fan (Cyclops is far to much of a fag in the films man, in the cartoon he kicked ass, the guy was blowing away sentinels like a shotgun to zombies). Anyway, i've made a couple more of these, but they we're more hurried, I'd like to spend ages on a large one to try and get the form perfect. The shape of this particular one is pretty much spot on i believe. Now theres a rant and a half....
The CacoDemon :D You might think him a crude replica of the classic monster, looking at him now, he isn't nearly evil enough, far to happy, like he's just eaten a nursery full of bastard children, and has just spied an old lady struggling under the weight of her christmas shopping. Not nearly evil enough. But my GOD he's sexy as hell, and what a pleasure to build it was.

This is just an assortmant of machet monsters, prototypes, cool little things I wanted to see in the flesh. They remind me of the kind of thing you see in secondary schools everywhere. Always a laugh making a monster ;)
Heres the McDonalds tower i made at the start of term, quite an unintentionally glorifying image, that will deffinetly end up in my scetch book in a vain attempt, to fill the bloody thing. The Mcdonalds M, aka, the Golden Arches of Evil, is a bit wonky, but you get the gist of it.

Stolen from Radiohead lyrics, and influenced by a couple of text paintings, SIT DOWN slaps you back into your place. I've gotta play with words more, they're some funky things.

Another work in progress, a reaction to a piece called "Protect me from what I want", i chose my bed, sleep, and all the inuendo's and things you can associate with bed's. Lots of people Die in bed, my brother was born in bed, and most people waste away most of their lives sleeping and dieing in bed. THIS IS YOUR COFFIN, and we turn to it for comfort... I for one, can never get out of bed. Its far to tempting to sleep. Unless there is something really pressing i have to attend to, like, food or... well anyway, This has since changed a lot again, but I really liked it at this point, the fold of the fabric came out infinetly better than i could have possibly imagined. At the moment its taken a divergence into dream land, with tanks and mountains, but its going off the point a bit. This is why painting is such a bleeding nightmare. You need to redo everything all the time, and you might go to far, or not enough, or the colours are wrong, or it doesnt look right, or you hate it, or you love it but its shite, or its to much like another artist, or blah blah blah blah blah. But eventually, it should kick ass. with any luck. If i dont kill it before it kills me.

Finally, Here is the prototype for Ted, some more monsters/warhammer terrain, a mysterious figure/shape, and another tower I made. Ok, ok, its a photo of the tower on campus at night. It been inspiring me to do tower related things all year, at its a hideous monstrosity that everyone hates, but I cant help but love really big things like towers, just because they are so magical and fantastic. Stand next to a really tall building, and stare up at the sky, it will look like its falling over. How cool is that?

Finally, Here is the prototype for Ted, some more monsters/warhammer terrain, a mysterious figure/shape, and another tower I made. Ok, ok, its a photo of the tower on campus at night. It been inspiring me to do tower related things all year, at its a hideous monstrosity that everyone hates, but I cant help but love really big things like towers, just because they are so magical and fantastic. Stand next to a really tall building, and stare up at the sky, it will look like its falling over. How cool is that?